Here are a few pictures of the float trip Sean and I took last week. We started out the day with 70+ degrees, 2 kayaks, 2 drift boats and 6 Smith River newbies! 9 miles down the river and Sean dumping his kayak twice, we were at our 1st camp for the night. We woke up to about 20 degrees and snow slowly falling. We all dug in and paddled as fast as we could to get to the next camp site 21 miles down stream. Sean and I made it in a little over 4 hours. Only once did we have any trouble due to the gusting winds. No matter how hard i paddled to go right, the wind was determined to push me left and we were forced to pull our kayaks a few hundred yards until the river turned and the wind was at our backs. I wish I had more pictures of the canyon cliffs on this day, but it was snowing, foggy, and the wind was blowing so hard, we could barely take our eyes off the river! It didn't help that the cold temperatures zapped the life out of my batteries! We got to camp 4 hours before the other 4 guys and got a roaring fire going! We were the little beacon on the hill for our drift boat buddies! Day 3 was 180 degree difference to day 2! 50+ degrees and no snow! We took our time fishing and floating the next 15 miles. As Sean and I pulled into our final camp, we could hear turkeys all over the place, but they managed to evade my camera! The last 14 miles of our float was marvelous! It was the final mile that almost did Sean and I in! There is a major split in the river 1.5 miles from our take out; the left side was very low and we would have to drag our boats; the right side was full of streamers and sweepers (our naive-ness lead us to choose the right side). About 400 yards down the right side, multiple trees were down in the river and there was a huge gravel deposit right in the middle. Sean was forced to go further right than he wanted and got slapped in the face by a branch and turned broad side to a huge downed tree. The undertow was so great, it sucked his kayak out from under him leaving him hanging on to the huge tree. I managed to pull out upstream from him and run over and help him off the tree. His kayak was about half a mile down river from us by then. I jumped in my kayak and Sean was picked up by some rafters behind us. I paddled my heart out trying to catch up with his kayak. It finally got lodged at a corner of the river on a tree branch. As I pulled up to it, I was trying to maneuver around when my paddle caught on a branch below me and flipped me--I was held under for a second by the cooler Sean had just placed at my feet--once I was able to free my foot, I popped up, and held on to my kayak as the current took us around the corner. I was able to pull up on a rocky beach next to another rafter that just had the same experience while trying to free Sean's kayak! What an adventure!! We were truly blessed the whole trip, but God was really looking out for us on mile 59! We were also very blessed by 3 other raft parties on the river helping us out. Which is amazing by itself as we only saw 1 other party on the river the whole time we were out there! Needless to say, we had quite an experience and adventure! I highly recommend this float trip to anyone! Just make sure to watch out for streamers and sweepers! They will get you every time!

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