I have been venturing out recently trying my hand in baking breads. Store bought bread has become kind of expensive recently considering how little bread we actually eat in the week--half of it would go to waste before the two of us could finish it. So 2 weeks ago, I decided to make my own bread. I can use a little bit at a time and freeze the rest.
I tried my friend Lora's Whole Wheat Bread recipe, but had a little trouble with the yeast rising. Since I was out of honey and didn't want to make a run to the store just for honey to start over the liquid portion of the recipe again, I went ahead and mixed the ingredients together getting one heavy loaf of bread instead of the 2 I should have had. It didn't make good for sandwiches as 2 bites would make you feel like you at a brick; we used it for breakfast toast, broiling it with a little butter and brown sugar. YUMMMM!!!
Today, I found a Whole Wheat Beer Bread recipe online
I was searching for a recipe that didn't require yeast--one less thing for me to screw up. We had a bottle of leftover beer from the guys who poured out patio slab a few months ago. I combined all the dry ingredients, stirred in one bottle of beer, and now my home smells of yummy bread cooking in the oven. It smells DELISH! And Sean approved of the little snip of dough he stole before I could get it into the oven.
Yeah for bread!!!
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
2 days ago