Friday, June 12, 2009

Pictures of our trips. Finally!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A little catch up work to do!

I left you all with our upcoming trip to Michigan back in May and have been horribly busy and not able to update this blog since then. And to top it off, the few minutes I get to try and upload pictures to this blog and Facebook, my computer freezes during the process and the last hour's work of editing pictures is lost. Needless to say, I quit and haven't touched the blog in over a month!!

So here is the much needed update, and hopefully pictures to follow when I get home.
Michigan was a blast! We celebrated Teresa's graduation from MSU; Sean was able to enlist in the Air National Guard and his dad was able to swear him in; we FINALLY met the cutest niece ever as well as one of Sean's Aunts and her daughter; we also met Megan's husband and made it back home in 2 days! What a whirl wind trip!
As far as other news, we are almost ready to pour our patio--this has almost been a 3 month endeavor! Dig a hole, bad weather for a week, compact dirt, bad weather for a week, get advice how to form it, bad weather, get gravel down, bad weather...You get the idea. We are SO close! Now it is just a matter of timing our schedules with one of my co-workers to finish the concrete...we are shooting for the week of the 22nd -26th! Hopefully the stars will align and the '2-weekend' project will be done!
The garden is growing! I spotted my first little tomatoes today, and will have some peppers to follow if the cold night temperatures don't get them first! It has been in the low 30's the past 4 nights, and I have been covering all my little plants with anything I could find--old bed sheets, tyvek, buckets, and seedling pots. At lunch I was finally able to take everything off, and it looks like everything made it through the frost and rain!
The best news for Sean and me will actually happen this Friday, as we celebrate our 1st Anniversary! YEAH!! They say the 1st year is the hardest as you adjust to the married life, but I can happily say, this was the easiest year of my life!! Never have I been more happy to argue with Sean and know at the end of the day, we love each other more than before the fight began! Each day gets easier and easier as I fall more in love with my best friend.
Some other little updates: we are involved in Marriage Mentor group where a 'Young married' couple meets with a 'more experienced married' couple once a month. We have taken a few short hikes up into the Sluice Boxes. Sean plays ping-pong with my cute old grandpa and some of his friends once a week. We took a long kayak trip over Memorial Day with some good friends of ours. My work is CRAZY busy with one job really starting to roll and a second one coming to an end. We are both exercising like mad-dogs as Sean is getting prepared for basic, and I have plans to run a half-marathon in September.
So that about sums up the last month of our crazy life in Montana! Hopefully I can get some pictures up to document this long post! Until then, God bless!