It is officially spring time in MT. As part of Sean's and my "Simplicity and Frugality" lifestyle, we have made it a goal to plant a garden and try to live off the 'land'. Here are just a few pictures of our plants and seed packets of what we will be planting as soon as Mother Nature agrees to keep temps above freezing at night!
Here is a picture of all our seeds: pumpkins, melons, corn, carrots, lettuce, and peas. We will also be trying our luck with some hops rhizomes. Sorry no pictures of them, they have to stay in the fridge for now! We will also be getting some tomato plants from my wonderful friend Amy. She is kind of a gardening nut--and is starting to specialize in heirloom plants! I can't wait for warm juicy tomatoes right off the vine!

We will have blueberry and blackberry bushes! Oh I hope they are fruitful! I would love to make my own jam!

My beautiful Dahlias! Ok, this is just a picture on the root packet I purchased from one of the local garden center; but I will be planting them and one day this summer, this is what will be popping up!

Here are the little sprouts of basil and oregano! I also have cilantro and chives starting to sprout!

And my little pride--the pepper plants! Beautiful Serrano and Tuscan Sun Sweet Peppers!!
The herbs and peppers are sitting in our guest bedroom/hobby room in the only window in our home that faces the sun during the day. It is so fun to watch the soil and look for a change. And then, you walk in after a warm afternoon, and there is a little sprout peaking through the soil--a few days later, it's a centimeter tall--and almost 2 months later, you have a 3" tall plant with leaves that reach to the heavens.
Oh I can't wait until I can put these little guys in the soil and see them take off!
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