I can't believe it's been 2 months since I updated this thing! I check it almost every day to read other blogs, but I never feel inspired to write. So here I am, updating the 7 people following this blog as to what has been going on these last 2 months. So here goes!

January was pretty blah--some REALLY cold weather and lots of snow. Sean installed a barrel stove in the garage and is slowly making it his man den/work shop. He's making a fly tying station at our friend's wood shop, and has also set up a reloading bench as he has found a new passion for guns and ammunition. And because of his new passion, I was able to shoot my first pistol ever! AND I LOVE IT!
February has been really busy for the both of us: my job is keeping me running all day long as does Sean's. On the 1st of March, my company is bidding a new job out on the base. Pray that we win it as I would like to have a local job for as long as possible! Sean is enjoying Student Flight up at the MANG once a month, but is really looking forward to Basic and Tech School in May. We've also been busy around the house. We are installing a 'new' dishwasher this weekend as well as finish building a little pantry in the laundry room.
As much as I love this little house, there really is no where to store things. My current 'pantry' is a small cabinet about 10"x 2' with 3 little shelves. Can't buy in bulk because there is no room to store it. Buy the end of this weekend, i will have a 7' x 6' pantry to store all the garden goodies I plan on canning this summer as well as other items we like to buy in bulk.

Enjoy some of these pictures of our adventures. I pray that you all are well and that God is blessing you daily!
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