It seems recently that there has been a HUGE push for people to pay more attention to their families diet. With the increase of obesity, it is understandable. While some reports point to diet others point to lack of exercise. Personally, I believe it is a combination of poor diet and over-stimulation from our culture. So many people, myself included, have become over-stimulated by all the new toys technology and entertainment is bringing us, that we overlook our personal health.
iPods, Facebook, WI-FI, Twitter, Cellphone apps. and of Reality Shows have drawn us indoors, and made us lazy people. How disgusting is it when a woman's greatest ambition in life is to set a Guiness Book Record for weighing 1000 pounds. And how much more disgusting is it that people are supporting her in this endeavor by sending her food and McDonald coupons!
I am appalled by how we have allowed our culture, or lack of culture for that matter, to direct our lives.
Well it's not for me anymore!
After a little consideration, I've come up with a list of things I am going to do, starting today, to change my unhealthy lifestyle!
1. Give up my web-surfing for a month. While I'd like to give up all computer contact, my work relies on a computer, so I must sit in front of it for at least 9 hours a day, but I don't have to allow the easy internet access to consume me. I will give it up at home with the exception of looking up new recipes to try.
2. I LOVE to garden, so this year I am going to dedicate some of my hard work to Plant a Row for the Hungry--while some people are so self-absorbed with becoming famous (the previously mentioned 1000 lb. woman, or the whole cast of 'The Hills') there are some people who are truly struggling in life. Plant a Row for Hunger is a nation-wide program dedicated to growing fresh produce for those who can't afford good healthy food--homeless, jobless, shut-ins, and the every day family just struggling to make ends meet. I'm planting 2 of everything this year, with all produce from 1 plant going to the Food Bank or the Mission. And the overflow once my pantry is filled will go to Meals-on Wheels.
3. I am running a marathon. I've been saying 'I will train for one this year' for the past 3 years! I get out and run for a few days at a time, but it's easy to make up an excuse and allow technology to distract me, and I fall away from my goal. Well not any more! It is on paper now, and I will do it.
4. I LOVE photography and have been playing around with it for a while, but haven't had the courage to step out and pursue it. I would love for it to be a full time-endeavor, but right now I know that is not realistic. So my goal is to get out and shoot at least once a week--faces, places, beings and things. I'm going to take some classes to hone my skills. And if anyone reading this wants a free photo session with me, I'd be glad to pull out my camera to shoot your beautiful face and family! I think I will look into selling my scenery pictures as well.
5. The Great Outdoors is calling me. And I am answering. Every week for the next year, I will spend at least 1 day out in God's good creation--and I don't mean working in the garden or the yard. But out of town, on the river, in the mountains, on a trail away from the constant buzz of every day life. I am going to get out while I still can!
6. Bible and study--I think in the past 6 months, the only time I've opened up my bible is at church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I MUST change that. I need to fall deeper in love with God and his word as I think all Christians should.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg! I am sure there will be many more ideas to add to this list in the future. I encourage anyone reading this to come up with a simple list for you and your family to start your healthy living today.
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
2 days ago
great thoughts, sammie. you've inspired me!
Yes, good thoughts. I have a friend who sells photos on the internet. Has a pretty amazing website.
A free photo session? I'll be teaching early family camp at West Yellowstone Bible camp this summer, June 26 to July 3. How close are you to there?
Good post. If you get a chance, please visit Family Fountain again. And say hi to your folks for me.
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