Monday, May 3, 2010

Tuesday's the day!

Yep, Tuesday morning, 6:15 am, I send the boy off for 7 months. Yikes. I am a little excited and nervous and when he gets home from his last workout I will probably be a wreck! So I ask that you all say a quick prayer for the both of us. Pray that Sean has a safe travels; pray for an easy and painless 2 months of Basic for Sean; pray for his leadership opportunities during BMT; pray for my sanity and ability to adapt to living on my own for 7 months; pray for our dogs--I know, it sounds silly, but they really LOVE Sean and will miss him horribly. Finally, pray for all our military--there are so many wonderful and talented young people in our military who are giving their all, every day, for the freedom of our nation.

God bless!


texasholls said...

That sounds tough. Will definitely be thinking of you over the next weeks and I hope this works out to be really good for ya'll in the long run even though I know it is horribly tough right now.